High Blood Pressure: the basics

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, increases the amount of work the heart has to do. It’s like going to the gym and lifting heavier weights. Just like when you lift heavier weights at the gym to get bigger biceps, when your heart beats against a higher pressure it compensates by getting thicker. However, this compensatory mechanism can actually weaken the heart over time making it harder to perfuse the heart with blood and over time increases your risk of heart failure, heart attack, and stroke.

Some of my patients tell me, “but I feel fine”. And that’s the thing- high blood pressure is a silent killer. You can have elevated blood pressure for many years and not even ‘feel’ it. That doesn’t mean it can’t cause serious harm and increase your risk of future heart attack or stroke.

Defining Hypertension (high blood pressure)

A ‘normal’ blood pressure is <120/80. That means both the systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) need to be below 120 and 80, respectively. Some people have lower blood pressures and that can be completely normal. The short and skinny of it is that you want your blood pressure less than 120/80.

Below are the different stages of hypertension. How we treat blood pressure depends on your individual circumstances and medical history. It is based on robust data summarized in a the 2017 ACC/AHA (American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association) guidelines.

If you have a normal blood pressure reading (<120/80) that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. You should still get a yearly blood pressure reading. Sometimes you just hit a certain age where your blood pressure starts to creep up a little bit. This is a good reminder that having high blood pressure, like many things in medicine, is both genetic predisposition as well as some behavioral and lifestyle choices that can impact it. Having high blood pressure doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. Some of my patients are the healthiest individuals I’ve ever met. Except that hypertension runs in their family. We will get into some behavioral and nutritional choices you can make to help bring down your blood pressure in another post.

Elevated blood pressure is 120-129/<80. Notice the different goals for the systolic and diastolic (i.e. top and bottom numbers). Essentially, if your bottom number goes above 80 you are considered hypertensive. But if your diastolic remains <80 but your systolic is 120-129 we generally recommend rechecking your blood pressure in 3-6 months. This doesn’t mean you need medications but it does mean that we want to ensure you don’t develop high blood pressure. It’s also another chance to make some positive lifestyle habits and nutritional choices that can pay off over time. As many of my patients can attest, one of my favorite sayings is that many of the choices we make today can pay off over time. Like building a strong retirement fund with a good interest rate. In contrast, ignoring high blood pressure is like having bad debt. Either way- the interest is going to compound. So it’s always better to know if you have high blood pressure than to ignore it.

Stage 1 hypertension is either a systolic between 130-139 or a diastolic between 80-89. This is where working with your physician is important. In patients at higher risk of heart disease, like those who already have clinical evidence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (i.e. prior stroke, heart attack) we often will initiate both lifestyle modifications and treatment with blood pressure medications. If you are a low risk patient we can consider lifestyle modifications alone and rechecking your blood pressure in a few months. If lifestyle modifications do the trick and bring down your blood pressure we can avoid using medications. But if you are doing all the right things and your blood pressure won’t budge then you likely will require medications to lower your blood pressure. Regardless, patients with stage 1 hypertension should be reassessed in 1 month.

Stage 2 hypertension is either a systolic >140 or a diastolic >90. In these patients we often jump to use medications while also initiating lifestyle modifications because the degree that lifestyle modifications will impact your blood pressure likely won’t be enough. Just like how you wouldn’t ignore a leak under your sink you should also not ignore high blood pressure-both will cause damage over time. This is where talking with your physician is important because not all patients are alike. If you want to avoid using medications I certainly don’t think it’s unreasonable to hold off if you are right on the borderline of stage 1 and stage 2 of hypertension as long as we have a plan in place and you continue to follow up. However, a blood pressure of 142/88 for instance is very different than a blood pressure of 180/100. For latter blood pressure (i.e. 180/100) would likely require initiation of medications right away. All patients with stage 2 hypertension should be also reassessed in 1 month (just like those with stage 1 hypertension).

The more uncontrolled your blood pressure is and the greater the period of time that it remains uncontrolled the greater your risk of heart disease (e.g. heart attack, stroke). Just because you have high blood pressure doesn’t mean you will have a heart attack and just because we treat your high blood pressure doesn’t mean you won’t. It’s all about decreasing that intrinsic risk.

Why you should check your blood pressure at home

In my clinical practice I like when my patients take their blood pressure at home for a few reasons. First, if you’ve ever been to a doctor’s office you know it can be a little anxiety inducing. That’s why I never make drastic changes based on a single blood pressure reading. Some patients can have white coat hypertension– when the blood pressure readings at your doctor’s office are always elevated but when you take them at home they are normal. These patients don’t need to be treated for high blood pressure!

Second, you can only go the doctor’s office so many times. Taking your blood pressure at home gives us additional data points to use to estimate your average blood pressure. Generally, I care the most about the your blood pressure trend. Let’s look at two patients as an example. ‘Patient 1’ consistently gets systolic blood pressure readings in the 140-150’s but occasionally gets a systolic blood pressure of 118. ‘Patient 2’ on the other hand gets consistent systolic blood pressure readings in the 120’s but occasionally gets a systolic blood pressure reading in the 140’s. In both patients I won’t ignore the occasionally high or low reading but I care more about where your blood pressure average tends to be.

How to take your blood pressure at home

Type of blood pressure cuff

Generally, arm cuffs are better than wrist cuffs. However the most important thing is that you use an appropriately sized cuff. Using the wrong size blood pressure cuff can give you falsely high or falsely low readings (shown below).

If you want to be accurate, the American Heart Association recommends a cuff bladder width 40% of the arm circumference and a bladder length 80% of the arm circumference. Use the middle part of your arm to check the circumference (shown below).

How to actually measure your blood pressure

If you don’t like reading I made a short TikTok video explaining how to actually check your blood pressure (shown below). The following tips aren’t to torture you- they are so we get accurate readings. The important things to remember are:

  • Blood pressure cuff should be bare to skin (not over clothing)
  • Keep your arm supported (don’t elevate it in the air)
  • Keep your feet flat on the ground
  • Don’t cross your legs
  • 30 minutes before taking your blood pressure do not smoke, drink caffeine, or exercise (life hack- take it first thing in the morning before your first cup of coffee or if you smoke before your first cigarette)
  • You can repeat the reading after waiting 5 minutes. I typically tell patients to take it once in the morning and once in the evening

Don’t forget to bring your readings to your next doctor’s appointment

Every day after work when I leave the hospital I put my hospital identification card in my car. That way I don’t have to remember to take it with me to work the next day. Because believe me there’s nothing worse than getting to work and having to turn around and drive home to pick up your ID badge. Similarly, remove road blocks from bringing your blood pressure readings to your next doctor’s appointment by putting the information directly into your phone. This way you don’t have to remember to bring the notepad you’ve been writing your blood pressure readings in. If you choose to do it the old fashioned way with pen and paper that is perfectly fine. Just remember to bring it to your next visit. Remember to document both the top and bottom number in addition to your heart rate. Lastly, please do not rely on your memory to serve as a blood pressure log. I want to know what blood pressure readings you are getting at home and not just that it was ‘high’ or ‘normal’.

If you found this helpful then:

Coronary CT for Cardiology Fellows

The basics of cardiac CT imaging

My notes on coronary computerized tomography (CT).


  • Coronary artery segmentation
  • Normal coronary course
  • Normal anatomy on CT
  • Common anomalous coronary arteries
  • Common anomalous coronary arteries

Classification of anomalous coronary arteries

  1. Anomalies of:
    1. Origin (>LCX from right coronary sinus most common)
    2. Course
    3. Intrinsic anatomy
    4. Termination
  2. Hemodynamic consequence: non/significant
  3. Coronary fistula
  4. Complete myocardial bridging (>LAD most common)
  5. Association with higher risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD)

Normal Anatomy

  • A normal CTCA has a high negative predictive value (98– 100%) for excluding CAD
  • Indications for CTCA:
    • Low-to-intermediate risk patients with acute chest pain and non-diagnostic ECG and serum biomarkers
    • Low-to-intermediate probability of CAD and unable to exercise or with inconclusive functional test results

Malignant Anatomy: associated with chest pain, myocardial ischemia, or sudden cardiac death

  1. RCA arising from left sinus
  2. Left main coronary artery (LMCA) arising from right coronary sinus
  3. LMCA arising from the pulmonary artery

RCA arising from left side- generally better prognosis

  • Right coronary artery originating from the left coronary sinus. RCA in red, Left main coronary artery yellow. The proximal RCA's acute angle take off passes through the pulmonary trunk and aortic root causing moderate compression.
  • Myocardial bridging of the mid LAD
  • Pulmonary trunk level showing LMCA originating from pulmonary artery (red asterisk)
  • Aorta gives rise to RCA. Pulmonary artery gives rise to LMCA, now dilated
  • Again showing aorta gives rise to RCA. Pulmonary artery gives rise to LMCA, now dilated
  • Again showing aorta gives rise to RCA. Pulmonary artery gives rise to LMCA, now dilated
  • Anomalous left coronary from the pulmonary artery (ALPACA or Balnd-White-Garland syndrome)

Ischemic Cardiomyopathy (ICM)

High risk calcification features associated with higher event rates:

  • Low attenuation plaque: <30 Hounsfield units
  • Positive remodeling: lesion with vessel area >10% larger than a proximal normal reference site (remodeling index >1.1)
  • Napkin-ring sign: low-attenuation core surrounded by a rim-like area of higher attenuation (but less than 130 HU)
  • Spotty calcification: <3 mm length calcifications comprising <90°
  • CTA plaque phenotype features
  • CTA plaque phenotype features
  • CAD-RADS scoring and modifiers

Coronary artery calcium score (CACS) of 0

  • Asymptomatic, independent of Framingham risk score: very low risk of events (0.10% per year), safety window of at least 5 years
  • No benefit from aspirin for primary prevention
  • Patients with abnormal lipid profile but CACS 0 have little benefit from statin
  • Stable symptomatic patients with low-to-intermediate pretest likelihood of CAD, a CACS 0 can safely exclude flow-limiting coronary disease
  • CACS of 0
  • CACS of 0. Minimal calcium in the aortic root and aortic valve

Abnormal coronary artery calcium score (CACS)

  • Symptomatic patients with CACS> 400 are at high risk of events (>2% per year), independent of risk factors and functional tests.
  • CACS>1000, even if normal stress testing, have significantly higher risk of major adverse events
  • CACS 1832
  • Bicuspid AV with aortic dilation, and non-obstructive mixed plaque with evidence of positive remodeling`
  • pLAD, mLAD, dLAD in cross section
  • Obstructive CAD in LAD

Coronary Dissection

  • Linear low-density intraluminal image suggestive of focal dissection
  • Moderate ostial RCA stenosis. PRedominantly non-calcified eccentric lesion with low-attenuation core
  • Moderate ostial RCA stenosis. PRedominantly non-calcified eccentric lesion with low-attenuation core

LAD calcification

  • Calcified LAD with severe dLAD lesion
  • Severe focal, eccentric, predominantly non-calcified lesion in mid-to-distal LAD with low attenuation core, positive remodeling, and napkin ring sign

CTO of LCX with RCA collaterals in patient with discordant normal SPECT but abnormal ECG stress (2mm ST-depressions) sent for CTCA to evaluate coronary anatomy

  • Diffuse calcification of D1 and CTO of LCX

ECG Reference Guide For Medical Trainees

A quick reference guide for diagnostic ECG criteria with examples. Will continue to update regularly.

P-Wave Abnormalities

Right atrial enlargement (RAE)

  • 2 things help me remember RAE. First, the normal P-wave on an ECG typically represents the left atrium because the right atrium is typically smaller and it’s electrical current is typically hidden in the left atrium’s electrical signal. Second, the SA node sits in the right atrium. So when the right atrium gets enlarged we start to see it on the ECG. The P-wave gets BIGGER! I think of it similar to what we see in left ventricular hypertrophy. Typically, in a normal QRS complex we only see the left ventricle because it’s size and electrical signal is so much larger than the right atrium (similar to our atria). However, in LVH the left ventricle gets even larger. So the electrical signal it puts out is even bigger too. This is just like what happens in RAE. The right atrium is able to be seen in the P-wave which manifests with TALL P-waves. Thus, the diagnostic criterion are:
  • Inferior lead P-waves: >2.5 mm in height (tall positive P-wave because the SA node is superior in the heart so the electrical signal in the inferior leads, the direction the electrical impulse goes toward, will be larger in size)
  • >1.5mm in V1, V2
  • Clinically can be seen in RVH, COPD, pHTN > CHD >>tricuspid stenosis

Left atrial enlargement (LAE)

  • Back to our discussion about P-waves. In normal physiology the SA node in the right atrium fires and then the signal has to travel all the way over the left atrium. We already know that on normal ECG’s that the P-wave represents the left atrium. Thus, if the left atrium gets enlarged you will see LONGER P-waves because it will take more time for that signal to reach the entirety of the left atrium. Or at least that’s how I remember it in my head. Thus, for LAE think “1 box deep, 1 box wide”. If you can fit 1 small box inside the negatively deflected P-wave you should be thinking about LAE. The diagnostic criterion are:
  • Terminal portion V1 > 1mm deep, >40ms duration
  • Inferior leads: notched P-wave > 120ms

Biatrial enlargement (BAE)

You can also have both diagnostic criterion met for both left and right atrial enlargement. In these cases we simply call it biatrial enlargement. Here’s a quick and dirty reference for atrial enlargement:

Ventricular Hypertrophy

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH)

There are a LOT of criterion for LVH but the most frequent ones that I use in clinical practice are:

  • aVL >11 (Sokolow-Lyon ‘stand alone‘ criteria)
  • Cornell Criteria: R wave in avL + S wave in V3 > 28mm in men/> 20mm in women (Easy way to remember: CorneLL has 2 L’s, aVL has 1 L. Add them together to remember you use lead V3)
  • Sokolow-Lyon Criteria: S wave in V1 + R wave in V5 or V6 > 35mm
  • Delayed intrinsicoid deflection in V5, V6 >50ms (interestingly this is the only non-voltage criteria for LVH)

LVH can also have a ‘strain pattern’ with T-wave inversions (TWI) as seen in the ECG below.

LVH with strain pattern in I, II, V5, V6

Right Ventricular Hypertrophy (RVH)

  1. RAD: mean QRS axis ≥ 100 degrees
  2. Secondary ST-T segment changes (STD, TWI) in right precordial leads
  3. (R/S ratio in V1 > R/S ratio in V5, V6) or (R/S ration in V6 <1) or (R wave > 7mm in V1)

Clinically, Posterior MI can mimic RVH

  • Factors that favor RVH diagnosis: concomitant RAD, TWI in V1-V2
  • Factors that favor posterior MI: presence of inferior Q-waves

Combined Ventricular Hypertrophy

  • Exists when criteria for both isoloated LVH) and RVH are met
  • Should be suspected when criteria for LVH is present but QRS axis is > 90 degrees or criteria for right atrial enlargement exist
  • R/S ratio approximately equal to 1 in both V3 and V4 (Kutz-Wachtel phenomenon)
Diagnosis: Atrial flutter, LAD, LVH, RVH, iRBBB

Intraventricular Conduction

Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB)

  1. QRS ≥120 ms
  2. Terminal S-wave in V1 (late forces of QRS should be negative)
  3. I, aVL, V5, V6: Broad notched or slurred R-wave. Occasional RS pattern in V5, V6 may be attributed to displaced transition of QRS complex)
  4. No Q-waves in I, V5, V6 but in aVL a narrow Q-wave may be present without myocardial pathology
  5. Delayed onset of intrinsicoid deflection >60 ms from beginning of QRS to peak of R-wave in V5, V6 but normal in V1-V3 when small initial R-wave can be discerned

Left Anterior Fascicular Block (LAFB)

  1. LAD (QRS axis between -45 to -90 degrees) and mean QRS duration < 120 ms
  2. qR complexes in I, aVL
  3. rS complexes in II, III, aVF
  4. Prolonged R wave peak time in aVL > 45ms (from beginning of QRS complex to peak of R wave)
  5. *Absence of other causes of marked LAD such as inferior MI or LVH

Note: The entire left bundle conduction system of the heart is made up of two fascicles, one anterior and one posterior. The left anterior fascicle supplies fibers to the anterior and lateral walls of the left ventricle. The above criteria of left anterior fascicular block do not apply to patients with congenital heart disease in whom left-axis deviation is present in infancy.

Left Anterior Fascicular Block (LAFB)

Left Posterior Fascicular Block (LPFB)

  1. RAD (QRS axis 90 to 180 degrees in adults) with mean QRS duration < 120 ms
  2. rS complexes in leads I and aVL
  3. qR complexes in leads II, III and aVF
  4. *Absence of other causes of right axis deviation including lateral MI, dextrocardia, or RVH

Note: The entire left bundle conduction system of the heart is made up of two fascicles, one anterior and one posterior. The left posterior fascicle is shorter and thicker than the left anterior, and receives dual blood supply from both the left and right coronary arteries. Multivessel coronary artery disease is the most common cause of left posterior fascicular block.

Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB)

  1. QRS ≥ 120 ms
  2. V1, V2: RSR’ with secondary R-wave usually wider than initial R-wave
  3. Minority of patients may have a wide and often notched R wave pattern in lead V1 and/or V2
  4. S wave duration > than R wave or > 40 ms in leads I and V6
  5. Normal R peak time in leads V5 and V6 but > 50 ms in lead V1

Of the above criteria, the first 3 should be present to make the diagnosis. When a pure dominant R wave with or without a notch is present in V1, the 4th criteria should be satisfied

ECG Right Bundle Branch Block RBBB 5

Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block (iRBBB)

  1. Same criteria for RBBB but QRS < 120ms but > 100ms

Non-specific inter-ventricular conduction delay

  1. QRS ≥ 110 ms
  2. Specific criteria for RBBB, LBBB not met

Quick and dirty reference to compare LBBB and RBBB:

Bundle Branch Block : Mnemonic | Epomedicine

Atrial Rhythms

Sinus Rhythm

In medical school we are taught this incorrectly. The correct way to tell that a P-wave is of sinus origin is that they are:

  1. Upright in the inferior leads (remember the sinus node is in the right atrium so the electrical wave will go from the top down and thus be positive inferiorly)
  2. Biphasic in V1
  3. Axis between 0 to 75 degrees (i.e. upright in the inferior leads)

The number of P-waves before every QRS complex is irrelevant. You can have sinus rhythm but be in complete heart block. Or have sinus rhythm but have second degree type I or type II heart block. Generally however they should have the same morphology. A single P-wave with a different morphology can indicate a premature atrial complex (PAC) but if you have multiple different P-wave morphologies then you might be dealing with wandering atrial pacemaker (WAP) or multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT). I think of WAP and MAT as the same rhythm across a spectrum ranging from a normal heart rate (WAP) to a fast heart rate (MAT).

Sinus Arrhythmia

Diagnostic criteria:

  • Normal P wave axis (0 to 75 degrees; i.e. upright in leads I and II)
  • P-P interval varies by > 10% or 0.16 seconds

tl;dr normal sinus P-waves (as above) but P-P interval varies by >10% or 160ms (4 little boxes). ECG intervals can vary with respiration but they shouldn’t vary by more than 10%. Often incidental without major clinical significance

High Yield Board Review Notes for Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship

The following are iterative notes that I take while studying for my general cardiology, echocardiography, and nuclear cardiology board exams. Making them public so I can access them on the go and help out anyone else looking for similar information.

Valvular Heart Disease

Aortic Insufficiency/Regurgitation (AI/AR)

Severe AI, indications for surgery

  1. Asymptomatic: EF ≤55%
  2. Asymptomatic: EF >55% + LVESD >50mm or LVESDi >25mm/m2
  3. Asymptomatic: EF >55% with progressive decline in EF to low-normal (55-60%) with LVEDd >65mm
  4. Symptomatic
  5. Other concurrent cardiac/aortic surgery

  • Severe AI surgical indications
  • Accurate measurements
  • Severe AI via echo
  • Chronic sever eaortic regurgitation (AI/AR) symptom progression
  • Severe AI: survival and LV function
  • Severe AI: survival and NYHA class

Aortic Stenosis

  • Prostehtic AV algorithm

Low-Flow Low-Gradient AS (LF-LG AS)

  • LFLG algorithm 2

Bicuspid Aortic Valve

  • Bicuspid AV algorithm
  • Frequency of bicuspid anatomy
  • Screening guidelines
  • Bicuspid AV imaging surveillance guidelines
  • Bicuspid aortic valve surgical intervention guideline recomendations

Surgical indications for dilated aortic root/ascending aorta

Aorta sizeIndicationClass recomendation
≥ 5.5 cmRisk factors for dissection (FH, growth rate >0.5cm/year, bicuspid AV)I
> 5.0 cmRisk factors and low surgical risk <4% (FH of dissection, growth 3-5mm/year, aortic coarctation, small stature)IIa
> 5.0 cmLow risk, experienced surgeon, expert centerIIa
> 4.5 cmBicuspid AV planning for surgical AVR for AS/AIIIa

*Aortic root measured at sinus of Valsalva

ACC Guideline: Aortic Surgery for Bicuspid AV

Mitral Regurgitation

  • Simplified asymptomatic severe primary MR algorithm
  • Primary mitral regurgitation (MR) algorithm
  • Qualitative and quantitative MR by echocardiography (TTE)
  • Mitral valve anatomy
  • Etiologies of chronic mitral regurgitation (MR)- acute and chronic
  • Pathophysiology of acute and chronic MR
  • Qualitative assessment of MR
  • Clinical workflow for diagnosis and management of MR
  • MR algorithm
  • Qualitative and quantitative MR by echocardiography (TTE)
  • Medical therapy for chronic MR
  • Surgical interventions for asymptomatic chronic primary MR
  • Surgical interventions for asymptomatic chronic primary MR
  • Surgical interventions for asymptomatic chronic primary MR
  • Transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) for severe primary MR

Mitral valve prolapse and flail

Carpentier Classification of MR

  • Type 1: normal leaflet mobility (primary: endocarditis, perforation, clefts; secondary: dilated annulus)
  • Type 2: excessive leaflet mobility (prolapse, flail)
  • Type 3: restricted leaflet motion
    • 3a: in systole and diastole (Fibrosis of subvalvular apparatus: rheumatic, radiation, drug-induced injury, inflammatory conditions)
    • 3b: only in systole (Leaflet or chordal tethering: ICM, NICM causing LV dilation)

Mitral Valve Regurgitation Review Article

Chronic MR Algorithms

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of MR severity by echo
  • Recommended Treatment of severe secondary MR
  • Severe MR Algorithm
  • Recommended Treatment of severe secondary MR
  • Algorithm for Eligibility of Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair (TTER) in severe MR
  • Semiquantitative parameters in MR
  • Quantitative measures for severe MR by PISA png
  • Pulsed Doppler Volumetric Quantification of severe MR
  • Indications for exercise stress testing in MR
  • Routine monitoring of MR via echo
  • MR treatment algorithm

Indications for TTE, TEE in MR

  1. Initial evaluation if suspicious for MV disease or MVP
  2. Initial evaluation of known ur suspected MR
  3. Annual evaluation in severe MR
  4. Reevaluation of MR with change in clinical status
  5. TEE to determine mechanism of MR and suitability of valve repair
  6. *Inappropriate: routine evaluation of MVP with (1) no or mild MR and (2) no change in clinical status

Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP)

Arrhythmic MVP

  • Non-invasive markers associated with sudden cardiac death (SCD) despite not having severe MR
  • High density of PVCs, inferior TWI, spiked systolic high-velocity signal on echo (Pickelhaube sign), myocardial/papillary scar on MRI
  • Pickelhaube sign: peak systolic lateral mitral annular velocity ≥16 cm/s. More likely to have malignant arrythmia in those with myxomatous bileaflet MVP (‘B’ in image below)
Non-invasive markers associated with SCD in MVP

Acute Severe MR

  • Rapid equalization of pressure across LA/LV may only cause a short, unimpressive murmur (may only appear as mild MR)
  • *Suspect in acute heart failure with normal LV systolic function
  • *Suspect in decreased LVOT VTI despite hyperdynamic LV EF (suggestive of low forward flow- consistent with severe MR)

Mitral Stenosis

  • Stages of mitral stenosis (MS)
  • Stages of mitral stenosis (MS)
  • Wilkins Score for rheumatic mitral stenosis (MS)
  • Mitral stenosis (MS) pressure half-time
  • Mitral stenosis (MS) pressure half-time 2
  • Mitral stenosis (MS) mean gradient (MG)
  • Mitral stenosis (MS) PISA
  • Continuity equation for mitral stenosis (MS)
  • Mitral valve area via LHC
  • Gorlin formula: mitral valve area via LHC
Typical appearance of rheumatic mitral stenosis

2020 ACC/AHA Guideline for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease

Invasive Hemodynamics Review

Classic Valvular Murmurs


Gap between S1, murmur, and S2
Harsh, noisy
MRHolosystolic through S2

Starts with S1 through S2
Blowing, high pitchedAnterior prolapse/flail: axilla, left intrascapular area

Posterior: anteriorly along aortic outflow in left parasternal area (can be confused with SEM)
Weak correlation between intensity and severity

S3: increase in diastolic flow across MV orifice during rapid filling phase  

Increased P2 intensity: pHTN   Enlarged, displaced LV impulse: LV dilation
Post PVCMR changes little: high gradient between LA/LV in SR and post-PVC*AS murmur increases post-PVC as SV after PVC is greater (more flow)  
MVPEarly, mid-systolic click ➡️ systolic murmur±High pitched, ‘whoop’ sound Maneuvers on click and murmur:
– ⬇️ LV volume/preload (Valsalva, squat to stand): murmur/click occur earlier in systole
– ⬆️ LV afterload (squatting): murmur/click occur later in systole
Severe MVP: holosystolic murmur 
Differentiating AS from MR

Prosthetic Valves

Prosthetic Aortic Valves

Pressure recovery: due to small aorta causing falsely elevated mean gradient readings and thus low AVA

Prosthetic Valve Thrombosis

Prosthetic Valve Guidelines from JASE (Journal of American Society of Echocardiography)

Heart Failure

Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy (NICM)

2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guidelines

Abnormalities in Hepatic Vein Flow on Doppler


Diagnostic algorithm for diagnosis of amyloidosis

Figure 2.
99mTechnetium-pyrophosphate imaging for transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis

Treatment for ATTR amyloidosis

Medical therapies for amyloid

  • Tafamadis: amyloidosis but not NYHA IV
  • Patisiran: for ‘papa’- familial amyloid neuropathy

Pulmonary Hypertension (pHTN)

Peak TR jet velocity (m/s)Presence of other echo ‘PH Signs’TTE probability of pHTN
≤2.8 or not measurableNoLow
≤2.8 or not measurableYesIntermediate
>3.4Not requiredHigh

Echo Findings in Pulmonary Hypertension (pHTN)

VentriclesPulmonary ArteryIVC, RA
RV/LV basal diameter ratio >1RVOT acceleration time (AT) <105ms ±midsystolic notchingIVC >21mm, <50% inspiratory collapse with sniff (or <20% with quiet inspiration)
IVS flatteningEarly diastolic PI velocity >2.2m/sRA size >18cm2 at end-systole
PA diameter >25mm

Chagas Cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)

Surgical options and complicationsSeptal myectomy –> LBBB
Alcohol septal ablation —> RBBB
Physical exam maneuversLouder murmur with Valsalva (decreased preload)Softer murmur with hand grip
High risk features for SCD1. First degree relative SCD
2. IVSd ≥30mm (IIa indication: ICD for primary prevention)
3. Unexplained syncope in past 6 months
4. LV apical aneurysm
5. EF <50%
6. NSVT: children (IIa), adults (IIb)
7. Extensive LGE on CMR (IIb)
8. Exercise induced NSVT or abnormal BP response to (drop ≥20mmHg) + high risk features (IIa- it is IIb if no high risk features)
HCM family screening in 1st degree relatives

Echo following septal myectomy for HCM with edge-to-edge (Alfieri) repair of the mitral valve

  • Anterior and posterior leaflets are sutured together in the mid portion giving the typical appearance of a double-orifice mitral valve
  • The color jet that can be seen on the septal wall represents flow from a coronary-LV fistula, a common benign finding after septal myectomy procedures
  • May lead to functional mitral stenosis (MS) requiring surgical interventions following edge-to-edge repair

Coronary Artery Disease

Guidelines/Review Articles

CABG (coronary artery bypass graft) Guidelines


  • TIMI risk score for UA/NSTEMI: predicts all-cause mortality, new/recurrent MI, severe recurrent ischemia requiring urgent revascularization through 14 days
  • GRACE score for UA/NSTEMI: predicts in-hospital mortality and death or MI
  • Risk stratification into ischemia guided, immediate invasive

NSTEMI: Early invasive strategy (within 24 hours) if:

  1. Elevated troponin
  2. Dynamic ST-changes
  3. Recurrent angina
  4. EF <40%
  5. Recent PCI
  6. Prior CABG
  7. DM
  8. Intermediate/high risk score (GRACE >140)

ACS Medications and Anti-Platelet Agents

NTg and PDE5i interaction

  • NTg contraindicated 24 hours of last use of sildenafil (Viagra, Revatio)
  • NTg cointraindicated 48 hours of last use of tadalafil (Cialis)

Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction

  • Coronary flow reserve (CFR) <2.5 indicative of microvascular disease in the absence of obstructive epicardial CAD
  • Treatment: ± beta blockers, CCB but not definitive guideline

Coronary Flow Reserve

  • iFR ≤0.89 or FFR <0.8


  • RCA vs. LCX: STE III >II indicates RCA

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection

  • Risk factors: fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD), postpartum status, multiparity, connective tissue disorders, systemic inflammatory conditions, and hormonal therapy
  • FMD screening: screen for extracoronary disease from brain to pelvis with CTA or contrast-enhanced MRA for aneurysms, dissections, and other areas of FMD
  • Renal aneurysms: treat when >2cm
  • Renal stenosis: balloon angioplasty > stenting. Stent reserved for procedural complications (i.e. dissection)

General Cardiology

Guideline Indications

EntrestoHFrEF (≤40%) and NYHA II, III
IvabridineHFrEF (≤35%) at max tolerated dose of bb in SR with HR ≥70bpm
IV iron sucrose or ferric carboxymaltoseNYHA II, III and at least 1 of the following: 1. Ferritin <100 ng/mL2. Ferritin 100-299 ng/mL but iron sat <20%
PatisiranFamilial amyloid neuropathy
ICD, primary prevention1. EF ≤35%, NYHA II, III due to N/ICM
2. EF ≤30%, NYHA I, II, III
CRT indications1. LBBB with QRS ≥150 msec
2. EF ≤35%
3. NYHA II, III or ambulatory type IV
4. Already on GDMT
(LOE A for NYHA class III, IV and LOE B for NYHA class II)

ICD Indications

EFNYHAEtiologyClass Indication
≤40%Inducible VT/VF on EPSICMI
>55%Inducible VT/VF on EPS with extensive scarring on PET/MRIBrugadaIIb
>55%Inducible VT/VF on EPS with extensive scarring on PET/MRISarcoidIIa

Hypertension (HTN)

Resistent HTN≥130/80 on 3 meds for ≥ 1 month
Refractory HTNNot adequately controlled on 5 meds
PseudoresistentWhite coat HTN
MaskedNormal in office, high at home


MutationAssociated Disease
Lamin A/CSkeletal muscle dystrophies
Notch 1Bicuspid AV, early AV calcification
T-box 5Holt-Oram syndrome (abnormal thumbs, ASD, VSD, HCM, conduction disease)
FBN1Fibrillin-1. 90% AD for Marfan syndrome
COL3A1Collagen- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Long QT-Syndromes

SyndromeGeneFunctional EffectAssociationInheritance
LQTS 1KCNQ1⬇️ IKSSwimmingAD; AR, ~30-35%
LQTS 2KCNH2⬇️ IKRStartleAD, ~25-30%
LQTS 3SCN5A⬆️ INASleepAD, ~5-10%
JLNS 1, 2KCNQ1, KCNE1⬇️ IKRDeafnessAR, very rare

Genetic Screening

  • Start with index family member with unknown or uncertain patterns (athletes with LVH or apical hypertrophy)
  • Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy without known mutation in family: first degree relatives TTE q3-5 years

Physical Exam

MurmurLesionLocation Best Heard
Fixed split S2ASD 
Single 2nd heart soundTOF 
Absent A2AS 
Absent P2Pulmonary stenosis 
Loud P2pHTN 
Worsens with ValsalvaHOCM (decreased preload) 
Diastolic murmur?Subaortic membrane 
Early systolic clickBicuspid AV (stiff but mobile)Left 2nd IC space, apex
Mid-systolic clickMVPLeft lower sternal border
Diastolic opening snapMS (and diastolic rumble)Left lower sternal border in LLD position

JVD Physical Exam Findings

DiagnosisJVD Finding
Constrictive pericarditisProminent Y descent, ±prominent X descent
TamponadeProminent X descent, absent Y descent
RV infarctionAbsent X and Y descent
VT, CHBVariable size A-waves (‘cannon A-wave’)

Vascular Diseases

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)

Society for Vascular Surgery recommendations, surveillance intervals for asymptomatic AAA:

  1. >2.5 cm but <3.0 cm, rescreen after 10 years
  2. 3.0-3.9, repeat imaging every 3 years
  3. 4.0-4.9, repeat imaging in 12 months
  4. 5.0-5.4, repeat imaging in 6 months

Indications for elective repair of an asymptomatic AAA include:

  1. >2.5 cm but ≤5.5 cm
  2. rapid expansion
  3. AAA associated with peripheral arterial aneurysms or peripheral artery disease.

May-Thurner Syndrome

PathophysiologyAnatomical variant: right common iliac artery overlies and compresses the left common iliac vein against lumbar spine
Risk factorsLeft lower DVT
Female sex
OCP use or recent pregnancy
Left lower extremity swelling in absence of DVT
Clinical presentationYoung adult woman with left leg swelling and DVT
Diagnostic testMagnetic resonance venography of the pelvis
1. Peters M, Syed RK, Katz M, et al. May-Thurner syndrome: a not so uncommon cause of a common condition. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent) 2012;25:231-3.
2. Baglin T, Gray E, Greaves M, et al.; British Committee for Standards in Haematology. Clinical guidelines for testing for heritable thrombophilia. Br J Haematol 2010;149:209-20.
3. Society for Vascular Medicine. Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question (Choosing Wisely website). 2015. Available at: http://www.choosingwisely.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/SVM-Choosing-Wisely-List.pdf. Accessed 03/22/2019.
May-Thurner Syndrome

Electrophysiology (EP)

CRT Indications

Antiarrhythmic Medications

*DFT: defibrillator threshold
ARVCPKP-2Plakophillin-2Intracellular calcium signaling abnormality
ARVCDSPDesmoglein-2Intracellular calcium signaling abnormality
ARVCDSC2Desmocollin-2Intracellular calcium signaling abnormality
ARVCJUPPlakoglobinIntracellular calcium signaling abnormality
MarfanFBN1Fibrillin-1Associated with aortic aneurysm, dissection
Ehlers-DanlosCOL3A1Collagen type 3, a1Associated with aortic aneurysm, dissection
Loeys-DietzTGFB1, 2Transforming growth factorAssociated with aortic aneurysm, dissection
CPVT1RYR-2Ryanodine receptorAD (>70% of cases, intracellular Ca-signaling)
CPVT2CASQ2CalsequestrinAR inheritence
LQTS1KCNQ1K current IKsbb (nadalol > propanalol)
***Associated with SCD while swimming
LQTS2KCNH2K current IKrK-supplementation (IIb rec)
LQTS3SCN5Aalpha-unit of INa±Mexilitine (IIb rec)
GAIN of function mutation
BrugadaSCN5ALOSS of function mutation
Hereditary PAHBMPR-2Bone morphogenic protein receptorAssociated with >70% of inherited pulmonary arterial HTN
DCMLamin A/C± skeletal muscle dystrophy
T-box5Holt-Oram (hand heart, ASD)
Notch 1Bicuspid AV, premature AV calcification
Genetic mutations associated cardiac conditions
Cardiac Genetics Chart

Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)

  • Focal AT- ongoing treatment options

Early Afterdepolarization (EAD) and Delayed Afterdepolarization (DAD)

Localizing VT Origin: LVOT vs. RVOT

  • Step 1: V1
    • LBBB: anterior to posterior- RVOT
    • RBBB: posterior to anterior- LVOT
  • Step 2: concordance
    • Positive: originates near base
    • Negative: originates near apex
  • RVOT: later R-wave transition (≥V3)
  • LVOT: earlier R-wave transition, LBBB, inferior axis

Bidirectional Ventricular Tachycardia (aka CPVT or catecholaminergic polymorphic VT)

  • Also known as Familial polymorphic VT
  • Inheritance: RyR2 gene mutation is AD, CASQ2 gene mutation is AR
  • Treatment: Nadolol (non-selective β1 and β2 agonist)
  • Dose: 0.8 mg/kg of nadolol ~ 1 mg/kg of metoprolol SR
  • Flecainide also used (ask EP)
Source: Leren, I., Saberniak, J., Majid, E., Haland, T., Edvardsen, T., & Haugaa, K. (2016). Nadolol decreases the incidence and severity of ventricular arrhythmias during exercise stress testing compared with β1-selective β-blockers in patients with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. Heart Rhythm13(2), 433-440. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2015.09.029

2:1 AV Block

AV nodeHPS
Type of BlockMobitz I >> Mobitz IIMobitz II > Mobitz I
Conducted QRSNarrow (unless preexisting BBB)Wide (except intra-His block)
Escape rhythmReliable (narrow QRS)Unreliable (wide QRS)
PR on conducted beatsLongNormal
*Carotid sinus pressure Block worsensBlok improves
*Exercise/atropineImproves blockBlock worsens
Characteristics to identify site of block in 2:1 AVB

Stroke (CVA) Management

Blood Pressure

  1. If tPA used: BP should be lowered <180/110 prior to tPA administration
  2. After tPA: <180/105 for at least 24 hours post-tPA
  3. No tPA: only treat if >220/120
  4. Can treat if no tPA plus other reason to treat (Aortic dissection, pre/eclampsia, unstable CAD, acute HF)


  • 2 points: age ≥ 75 years and history of stroke/TIA/thromboembolism

Contraindications (CI) to tPA

History of hemorrhagic stroke or stroke unknown originTIA in prior 6 months
CVA within previous 6 monthsOral anticoagulation
CNS neoplasmPregnancy or first post-partum week
Major trauma, surgery, or head injury in past 3 weeksNon-compressible puncture site
Bleeding diathesisTraumatic resuscitation
Active bleedingRefractory HTN (sBP > 180)
Advanced liver disease
Infective endocarditis
Active peptic ulcer

Pulmonary Embolism

Cardiac Oncology

  • Dexrazoxane: prevent anthracycline-induced cardiotoxocity
  • Anthracycline cardiotoxicity: risk if >250mg/m2

Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)

D-Loop Transposition of the Great Arteries (D-TGA)

  • Atrio-ventricular concordance and ventricular arterial discordance
  • 2nd most common cyanotic congenital lesion (#1 is ToF)
  • Associated defects: VSD (~40%), pulmonic stenosis (PS), coronary artery anomalies
  • D-TGA anatomy
  • D-TGA Surgical Corrections
  • D-TGA surgical correction complications
  • Complications of arterial switch
  • Event free survival following atrial switch
  • Apical 4 chamber view showing anterior transposed aortic valve with posterior pulmonary valve behind it

Complications Following D-TGA Surgical Correction: Arterial Switch (Mustard/Senning Procedure)

  1. Arrhythmia: sinus node dysfunction, frequent SVT
  2. Systemic RV: 25% develop heart failure in their 30’s
  3. Tricuspid regurgitation (TR): functional due to annular dilation

Complications Following D-TGA Surgical Correction: Atrial Switch

  1. Supravalvular AS, pulmonic stenosis (AS), PPS (pulmonary artery stenosis)
  2. Coronary stenosis at re-implantation site
  3. Branch pulmonary artery stenosis
  4. Neo-aortic dilation and AI

L-TDA (or congenitally corrected-TGA)

  • Double-discordance (RA to LV to PA, LA to RV to aortia)
  • Non-cyanotic
  • Treat severe TR like severe MR in normal patients
  • Complications: TR, RV dysfunction, CHB (complete heart block)
  • L-TDA (ccTGA)
  • Complications of L-TGA


Relative risk reduction (RRR)Rate in treatment/rate in placebo10%/20%=0.5
Absolute risk reduction (ARR)(Rate in placebo)-(rate in treatment)20%-10%=10% or 0.1
Number needed to treat (NNT)1/(ARR)1/(0.1)=10 so treat 10 patients over 2 years to prevent 1 event
Example: over a 2 year period therapy A has an event rate of 10% and placebo has an event rate of 20%



Speed of sound propagation through tissue: 1540 m/s

Mitral Valve Leaflets on TEE

MV Leaflets on TEE

Stress Testing

Duke Treadmill Score= minutes of exercise – (5 x mm of ST-depression) – (4 x anginal index)

  • Anginal index: 0 for no angina, 1 for non-limiting angina, 2 for having to stop exercise due to angina
  • Positive score is good. Possible to get a negative score
  • Score ≤ -11 is high risk (79% survival at 5 years), -10 to +4 is medium risk (95% survival at 5 years) ≥5 is low risk (99% 5 year survival)
  • Consider LHC for high risk patients (≤ -11)

Nuclear Cardiology

Occupational Dose Limits

1 Rem = 0.01 Sv (international standard unit)

Whole body (organs)5 Rem0.05 Sv
Skin50 Rem0.5 Sv
Lens of eye15 Rem0.15 Sv
Pregnant workers
(Over gestation period)
500 mRem5 mSv
(non-occupational worker)
500 mRem5 mSv
General public100 mRem1 mSv


Alpha particles

Particle typeShield requirement
Alpha particlesSheet of paper
Beta particlesPlastic/clothing
Gamma raysInches/feet of concrete or lead

Common artifacts

  • LBBB: anterior septum (occurs least frequently with NM stress)

Abnormal TID (~1.36, exercise ≥1.29) with normal perfusion: special considerations

  1. HTN with LVH
  2. Difference in HR between rest and stress
  3. Technical difficulties in image acquisition

Most Commonly Used Tools Cardiologists Use For Palpitations

Palpitations are one of the most common reasons that I see patients in the inpatient and outpatient setting. Palpitations are abnormal the sensation of your heart beating. I explain them briefly in this TikTok video:


What are palpitations and other questions explained in greater detail on my 15min YouTube video #Cardiology #MedicalTikTok #Cardiologist #Palpitations

♬ original sound – Marc Katz, M.D.

Depending on the underlying diagnosis they can be completely benign or potentially life-threatening. I go into much greater detail in a much longer separate YouTube video here:

To understand the common tools we use to diagnose and treat palpitations you have to find out how frequently they occur. So let’s review the most common tools cardiologists use to evaluate palpitations.

If they’re happening right now- get an ECG! Sometimes an Apple Watch can even diagnose some abnormal heart rhythms like atrial fibrillation. But if palpitations are not happening when you get the ECG then you will not catch the rhythm. In the inpatient setting we often also use telemetry. This also underpins the importance of talking to patients to evaluate how frequent palpitations occur as different tools can be used for different durations of time. Sometimes even when we diagnose certain abnormal heart rhythms we use the next few tools to quantify the ectopic burden (how many extra beats are there) as this may influence treatment.

Holter Monitor: 24 – 48 hours

Holter Monitoring - SND Hospital Ropar

Holter monitors are 24-48 hour mini ECG’s, as depicted above. Patients wear them and document when they feel symptoms and we correlate the information we collect from the monitor. This can also help quantify how frequently someone is having a known abnormal heart rhythm to help guide other treatment choices.

ZioPatch Event monitor: 1 – 2 weeks

How Zio works | iRhythm

Event monitors are the next step up in duration. They can be worn for extended period of time, typically for 1-2 weeks. My favorite is the ZioPatch, shown above. It can be worn for weeks at a time (again, typically 1-2) and is small, goes on the chest, and records everything while being worn, and patients can even shower with this device. They click a button on the device to note when symptoms occur and then we go back to see what rhythm was happening at that time when we receive the report. It does not get transmitted in real time. Instead, as shown below, patients actually take it off at home and send it back to the company in the mail who then forward a report to the ordering physician.

The wireless future of medicine | zhiyaobme

Implantable Loop Recorder: up to 3 years

Implantable Loop Recorder

Lastly are implantable loop recorders (ILR). ILRs are less than 2 inches long and quite thin, as depicted below.ILRs are the only monitoring device that is actually implanted under the skin on the chest. They record everything and have up to a 3 year battery life! The ILR automatically records certain fast and slow rhythms but patients can also use an activator to save rhythms if they’re having symptoms. We often use these when the palpitations are infrequent or if we have a high suspicion of an underlying arrhythmia without a documented diagnosis that might change management. For example, I frequently use these in tandem with neurologists in stroke patients in whom we suspect but have not diagnosed atrial fibrillation (AF). If we see AF on an ILR then we would start a blood thinner but sometimes don’t want to treat empirically.  The location these are placed is shown below and often can be safely removed.

Just like any test these tools aren’t perfect. First, patients can have palpitations a few days a week but for whatever reason don’t have any symptoms when wearing the monitor. Depending on the clinical scenario sometimes we will redo the test. Second, these monitors should not be ordered unless clearly indicated. If you were to place Holter monitors on 100 random individuals you are certain to find some abnormal heart rhythms that are completely benign. Thus ordering unnecessary cardiac monitoring for patients can lead to unnecessary follow up procedures, testing, and possible harm.

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